share your story
Oddly Moving Circus Theatre

What You’ll Need


Find somewhere comfortable, quiet and without distractions.

You’ll need: Pen & Paper, a timer and a voice recorder (like an app on your phone)



How This Works


You’ll be guided through a series of questions to help you discover what story you’d like to tell. You don’t need to know in advance.

After answering the questions (on paper or in your imagination) set your timer for 5 minutes and write down or record your story in that time.



Create Your Story


Here you will find a guided visualisation to help you find the story you’d like to share with a series of questions and prompts.



Add Your Story

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The small print

Your stories will be shared on this website.

Your stories may be edited to fit timing restrictions (we will respect the content).

The stories will be published anonymously.

We do ask you to enter your name and email but this will not be made public and will not be shared with anyone.

Your story can be removed at any time, just get in touch.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get in touch with Grania